Vispa XS

  • Vispa XS er den revolutionerende gulvvaskemaskine, der er egnet til rengøring af meget små områder. Det er forsynet med et litium-ion-batteri, der gør det muligt at udføre mange, korte og målrettede rengøringsoperationer i løbet af samme dag.

    Vispa XS er lille og let, så du kan tage det, hvor du end har brug for det. Gulvet er tørt og sikkert med kun en gennemgang, hvilket forhindrer risikoen for farlige glider.



  • batteriali ion  Lithium ion technology
    Lithium ion batteries ensure constant performances throughout the entire operation and allow to quickly recharge Vispa XS, to have the machine always charged and ready to be used during the same day as often as you wish.

     tergipavimento Parabolic squeegee: perfect washing and drying, in any direction
    The innovative rotary head is equipped with a parabolic squeegee which continuously follows the direction of the machine, for perfect washing and drying results in any direction and even in the most inaccessible corners.
    The brush is offset laterally relative to the machine housing, for perfect cleaning along walls and making sure that the entire floor surface in a room is hygienically washed.
     inclinazionemanubrio Comfortable to use
    The control wheel height and tilt are adjustable to suit the stature of the operator and reduce back fatigue. The steering wheel is covered in soft-touch, anti-slip material for a sure, comfortable grip.
     176 ecomode  Silent and ecologic
    The Eco Mode device is ideal for maintenance cleaning,
    as it ensures perfect hygiene with no wastage!
    A single button for optimising detergent solution usage and energy consumption, increasing working autonomy and reducing noise levels, for cleaning at any time of day without disturbing the people around.
     comacndi  Designed to adapt to the operator for extraordinary comfort and safety
    The controls on the wheel are simple and intuitive, and are easy to use for an inexperienced operator, ensuring total control over the machine and the cleaning process.
    Cleaning settings are already pre-configured when using the automatic scrubbing function.
    Simply press the AUTO button to start.
     scaffale  Vispa XS is perfect for restaurant businesses, cleaning effectively and effortlessly under tables and chairs because it washes and dries also when moving backwards.
     trolley  Comfortable to take anywhere
    Once folded, the machine can be carried easily with the handle on the control bar.
    Otherwise, a pair of large wheels let you pull the machine along like a trolley.
     telaio  Sturdy and light.
    With materials such as aluminium for the base and chassis, the Genie XS is both sturdy and light, putting less strain on the operator during use and transport, even when carrying up and down stairs in buildings with no lifts.
     compatta  Compact
    Thanks to its small dimensions it can be stored anywhere even in the smallest closet
  •   Vispa XS
    Svaberbredde mm 325
    Pladebørste Ø mm 280
    Børstemotor V/W 36/90
    Børste omg/min. 150
    Sugemotor V/W 36/150
    Vakuum mbar 21,6
    Hastighed fremad km/t 3,2
    Hældning % 2
    Batteri Li-Ion
    Batteri effect V/Ah 36/5,2


Teglvænget 63
7400 Herning
T: 97 12 30 30
F: 97 22 54 44
M: 21 83 33 79

Fyn og Sjælland

Merkurvej 1
4700 Næstved
T: 55 72 58 84
F: 55 73 34 14
M: 20 10 88 57